Keeping this tyre manufacturer in pole position!
The Project
With around 30,000 employees and a turnover of more than 5.3 billion € in 2017, Pirelli is a major player in the tyre industry and the only global player focused solely on the Consumer tyre market, which includes tyres for cars, motorcycles and bicycles. In March 2017, Pirelli spun off its industrial tyre business making the company 100 per cent focused on consumer tyres. Pirelli is now concentrating on High Value tyre markets, delivering innovative tyres and developing Specialties and Super Specialties for its comprehensive product portfolio.
To produce the highest-quality products Pirelli insists on operational excellence along its whole value chain, starting with high-tech plants in the fastest-growing High Value markets and culminating in the engagement of end customers. With 18 factories located in 12 countries Pirelli had a production capacity of 76 million car tyres in 2017, and more than 14,600 points of sale in over 160 countries – a growing sales network that puts Pirelli ever closer to its customers.
We delivered an internal painting and decorating programme for Pirelli which involved the shut down of their warehouse to allow for the works to be completed. Works included; painting of the flooring, the machines and the full warehouse painted and cleaned ready for use. We also refurbished the office space, involving painting, the installation of plasterboard to create walls and fully cleaning ready for use.
About Pirelli