Completing redecoration and refurbishment works for Plymouth's largest housing association
Project description
In April 2018 Plymouth Community Homes appointed three suitably qualified Service Providers to carry out Programmed maintenance including roof replacement to its housing stock with an anticipated spends of approximately £1.1M per contractor per year.
The planned maintenance agreement including redecorations; roof covering renewal and associated works; fencing and gates renewal/repairs; path, courtyard and boundary wall renewal/repairs; renewal/repair of fascia’s, soffits, rainwater goods; renewal/repair of doors; external wall insulation.
As part of the above contract we carried out the external decorations to all areas at Westeria Terrace which included, Wall, Communal Walk ways, Staircases and Shed Block.
The works comprised of the complete external redecorations to all previously decorated surfaces on all parts of the development including, all painted render (upper parts of elevations) concrete round columns, painted timber external doors/frames (i.e. entrance doors, fire exit doors, bin store doors and etc),painted timber windows/cills, patio doors and balcony doors, painted fascias, bargeboards & soffits, painted timber cladding to “square-shaped” and “v-shaped” projecting multi-storey bay window structures and metal balustrades to Juliet style balconies (including painted timber trellis-type inserts).
About Plymouth Community Homes